Garmin's API will only allow you to export 5 years of your running data. RunGap has found a way around that limitation
and can liberate your running history.
It will cost $3.99.
Garmin will allow you to export files one at a time from Garmin Connect. All that clicking can be very tedious. Running some code can help make things a lot easier.
var message;
var maxTotalDownloads = 3000;
var delay = 2000;
var segments = new URL(this.location.href).pathname.split('/');
var id = segments.pop() || segments.pop();
var baseUrl = '';
var fileUrl = baseUrl + 'download-service/files/activity/';
var activityUrl = baseUrl + "activity-service/activity/" + id + '/relative?_=' + Math.random();
var i = 0;
message = "Download started. This will take 10 minutes for every 300 activities downloaded. If the process ";
message += "takes longer than that you may get logged out. You can prevent this by opening a separate browser ";
message += "window, going to Garmin Connect and refreshing the page every 5 minutes or so.";
var download = function(){jQuery.getJSON(activityUrl,
id = d.previousActivityId;
if(id == null){
console.log("Finished downloading " + i + " activities.");
window.location.href = fileUrl + id;
if(i % 10 == 0){
console.log(i + " activities downloaded so far.");
if(i < maxTotalDownloads){
setTimeout(download, delay);
console.log("Reached maximum of " + i + " activities to download.");
Garmin provides a full data export as required by European GDPR law. You can use this process to download your entire running history from Garmin Connect.