Was ist Smashrun Pro?

Pro ist eine neue Darstellung von visuellen Analysen, die deine Smashrun-Seite erweitern wird. Wir könnten sagen, es ist revolutionär. Wir könnten sagen, es ist wegweisend. Aber wir finden es besser, wenn du dir einfach eine kuzre Vorschau der Pro-Karte anschaust und selbst urteilst.

A training platform designed to keep you running.

There's always been this gap. A gap between the experience of your run and the way you see your run through your data. It's like running your fastest sprint ever, but a single line graph doesn't quite capture it.

The truth is simple. With each and every run, you get better. You learn, and get smarter. Sometimes, it's hard to say how that last run mattered. What would've been the difference if you skipped it? We built Smashrun Pro to show you that difference.

Click the arrow to view why you want it!

Lerne die ultimative Streckenkarte kennen

Durchleuchte einen Lauf bis ins tiefste Detail. Dine GPS Daten, wie sie schon immer sein sollten. Hebe die schnellsten Segmente, Splits, Pace-Dämpfer, Kadenz, Höhengewinn/-verlust, Anstieg/Grad, Herzfrequenzbereiche und SPI hervor.

Warum du es brauchst

Es gibt einfach nichts Vergleichbares. Es ist schnell, intuitiv, schön und extrem mächtig. Du kannst diese Streckenkarte benutzen, um Fragen zu beantworten wie zum Beispiel "Wie hoch war mein Tempo, wenn ich alle Steigungen ausblende?" oder "Was war mein Durchschnittspuls während der schnellsten 5km meines Halbmarathons?" oder "Wie hoch wäre meine Gesamttempo, wenn ich alle Abschnitte, an denen ich an einer Ampel gewartet habe, ausschlösse?"

Die Pro Map ist die am besten zusammengefasste SIcht, die du auf einen Lauf haben kannst. Wenn du dir die Beziehungen und die Wechselwirkungen zwischen deiner Pace, deinem Puls, der Steigung und der Schrittfrequenz anschauen möchtest, zeigt dir diese Karte diese Insights.

Analysiere all deine Daten deiner gesamten Laufgeschichte.

Training Bands visualize every second of every run to show the total time spent running at specific pace buckets, HR zones, and steepness/grade. We take each trackpoint recorded by your tracking device and create a stacked area graph of your different training bands. Then, we plug that data into a tool that allows you to see patterns in your training.

Warum du es brauchst

Stell dir vor, du gehst 15km laufen, wärmst dich dabei aber auf, machst einige Pausen, läufst zwischendurch einige schnellere Strecken und läufst dann langsam aus. Wenn du jetzt denselben Lauf 4mal in der Woche durchführst, wie bemisst du dann, wie intensiv du wirklich trainiert hast? Würdest du die 15km zusammen als eine einzige lange, langsame Distanz ins Protokoll eintragen, ohne die Geschwindigkeiten zu unterscheiden?

With Training Bands, you'll know when you're pushing your limits and when you need to rest. It's especially useful when looking at intervals to see how much time you're running at peak speed and how much time you're resting. Until today, it would've been impossible to ever look at your run data at this level of granularity.

Schaue dir an wie deine schnellsten Läufe sich häufen.

Pace Trends plot your runs based on a combined measurement of your performance and efficiency. The chart then highlights your fastest runs and draws a linear regression curve over the selected time frame to fit a trend line among those runs. It will also calculate your average weekly performance change and its effects on your current 5K time!

Warum du es brauchst

Every runner ultimately wants to know the answer to the question, "Am I getting faster?" Part and parcel to becoming a faster runner is building up mileage, covering more distance. As you do more long runs, your average pace might appear to go down, but when your pace is normalized across various distances, you're almost always improving!

Pace Trends lets you compare every distance as equals. You can see how your fastest 400m repeat compares to your 50min 10k, or your fastest mile vs. your first ever marathon. It looks at your entire training history and essentially creates a performance curve specific to your level of fitness.

It also lets you isolate your training cycles and see your gains for a given period. It's common for runners to fall in and out of a training schedule or even take planned breaks so it's nice that you can look at your run data from when you resumed training onwards!

Stay on top of every goal.

Progress Towards Goal calculates the most direct path to reaching your distance goals. If you're behind, it tells you how much you need to run on average, on any given day or week, in order to get back on track! So you can run when you can and rest when you need to, because Progress Towards Goal will do the math for you.

Warum du es brauchst

Suppose you set a goal of running 300km in 30 days. If you ran everyday, that means you would have to average 10km/day to hit your goal. Let’s say it’s the 16th of the month and you’re only at 140km. That means you’re behind by 20km from the most direct path to your goal. You’ve got 14 days to catch up.

How would you calculate the distance you would have to average between today and tomorrow, or this week, so you can catch up? What if you decide to include a day off each week? Progress Towards Goal automatically calculates every possible path you can take on a daily basis, so you can keep adapting to your changing schedule.

Run motivated with more badges to earn.

Getting out there isn’t always easy. Part of the challenge with running is staying motivated. Stats might hold you accountable to your training progress, but it’s badges that will keep you going. With Pro, you'll unlock 40 badges awarded for:

  • running while traveling
  • monthly elevation gains
  • single-run vertical ascent
  • running every other day
  • running during astronomical phases
  • and going on a longer run each month!

Access more metrics and discover new stats.

  • elevation stats
  • estimated finish times
  • pace variability
  • Smashrun Leistungs Index
  • Pro notables
  • Schnellster Abschnitt
  • Cooper test run view
  • Stryd power data